Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year Goals

New Year Goals

Today I had my students write out their goals for the New Year. I wasn’t sure how seriously they would take it, but some of them were really good, while others are funny, and a few made me teary eyed. Enjoy!

I want to jump to 1,000 without stopping on my pogo stick. Because I’m great at it. It will help me because I want to become a professional pogoer.  -Thomas

I was to earn at least 100 dollars. I’m saving for college, because it will help me get an education. -Janet 

I want to lose weight because I really want to fit into clothing so very bad. It will make me healthier and make other people want to play with me more. -Kacie 

I have a goal to eat healthy so I might lose weight. I have a goal to get over my parents separating and dating other people so they can be happy and so can I. I have a goal to be nicer to my sisters so we can get along. I have a goal to keep my thoughts to myself so I seem nicer to others. I chose these goals so I can achieve more in life. -Chelsea

I want to become a better person than I am now. I’m going to try to use more self control. -Logan

These are just a few, but it was so enlightening to see into 8 and 9 year old minds when it comes to resolutions. I was so sad to read that about half of my girls want to lose weight. They are in the 3rd grade. What does that say about the world’s skewed view of size? And some of their resolutions were about such grown up issues. Makes me wish I could do more for them…which leads me to one of my resolutions. I want to be the best teacher I can be. And I want to continue being there for each student and loving them daily. 


  1. And, I am crying my eyes out now. This is so sad. Stephen and I were talking about how in the world we can shield our girls from this. Our culture is so destructive. So glad for teachers like you! Keep smiling and loving!

  2. I had my kiddos do the same thing and I actually had a boy who said that he needs to lose weight. (he is totally an average size boy) I had a little heart to heart with him. So sad. :( You're making such a difference in their lives, Janae!

  3. The Kacie quote was about enough to break my heart into a million pieces. The fact that the little girl equates being thinner with having more friends to play with is just absolutely heartbreaking.
