Monday, October 11, 2010

Word Vomit, NO! Actual Vomit!

I’ve been waiting for something especially exciting to blog about…well on this past week it happened. We had a stomach virus hit our building hard! On Thursday and Friday we had a huge drop in attendance because so many of our little sweeties were sick, throwing up to be exact.

Luckily, I somehow survived, and did not catch the virus. However, on Friday I did experience my first (of many I’m sure) vomit in the classroom situation. One of my poor little guys was sent home early on Thursday, but wanted to see me so much (okay I added that part) that he told his mom he had to go to school on Friday.  He came in and I knew he was still very SICK. I asked if he wanted to go to the nurse and he said, “maybe, if you really think I need to.” Most kids are chomping at the bit to go to the nurse (usually when they aren’t really all that sick) so I knew he was really trying to be tough.

He went to the nurse for about 30 minutes then came sluggishly back to class, laid his head down on his desk and tried his best to stay awake. After a while I went over to check on him, as soon as I got to his desk he said, “Miss Bass, I need the trash can!” I dashed across the room, grabbed the trash can, and headed back to my little guy. When I was only about 5 steps short it started. I dropped the trash can in front of him, but not quite in time, although it did aid in furthering the mess, he already had puke all over his desk and down the front of him. Poor kid, I felt so sorry for him.

I was very blessed to have my literacy coach in the room at the time. She had been helping teach a lesson on writing, and boy was I glad she was there. She helped to get my sick student to the nurse while I stayed to corral the rest of the class, who were by this point trying not to lose their breakfast as well. I start to kick into “nanny” mode and clean the throw up myself, then remember “wait, I can call a custodian to help!” I was so thankful that within just a few minutes the mess was being cleaned up and I was not the one doing it. A huge thank you goes out to all custodians!

After opening the windows and going crazy with Lysol wipes, our room was good as new. As for my little guy, he went home. Overall, I’d say my first adventure with puke was pretty successful!

On a lighter note, Cute Kid Quotes:

“Miss Bass, What does scandalous mean?” – Sally
“Where did you hear that word?” – Me
“In a song.” – Sally
“Uh, ask your mom.” – Me

I have a student with autism, he is extremely creative. Last week at recess he brought me a twig with a tiny red leaf on the end and said,
“Miss Bass, here…I made this for you”
“I love it….what is it?” – Me
“It’s a stop sign. Now when kids a being bad you can just hold it up and say STOP!”