Monday, June 13, 2011

23 Things…

This actually started out to be a list of 22 truths I was writing in a journal as I was nearing my 23rd birthday. It was going to include things I had learned about myself and life in general over that year.  Well I only got #13...but I found the list the other day and decided to finish it and add #23. So here they are 23 truths I’ve learned about myself and life.

  1. Life is short
  2. I love to read
  3. I don’t like blue cheese- YUCK
  4. I complain too much
  5. Trials are a good thing
  6. Happiness comes from the heart
  7. That Tim Magraw song, ya know the one, “You find out who your friends are”  is so true
  8. Be careful who you trust, especially with your heart
  9. Kids are FOREVER – be sure your ready to have one!
  10. Good Habits are easier to develop, than had habits are to break
  11. God isn’t keeping me from something good, He’s preparing me for something GREAT
  12. God is always enough
  13. Kids are brutally honest
  14. Answers are not always black and white
  15. Two products I personally think you should always spend a little more on and buy the good brands: nail polish and toilet paper
  16. As much as I love being around other people I really need my alone time to relax and unwind
  17. Work SMARTER not harder (this is not meant to discount the vaule of hard work, it just means don't make things harder on yourself than they need to be!)
  18. I have one of the greatest families ever (after seeing the brokenness of some of my students homes I learned how much I’ve taken for granted in my life)
  19. Diet Coke = Love
  20. Growing up means deciding things for yourself
  21. I don’t like running…but I’m trying to learn to like it, because its good for me and I always feel great when I’m finished
  22. I love living in Branson…never thought I’d say that, but seriously I think it’s one of the greatest places on earth!
  23. I’m truly blessed

I can't wait to see what is instore for this new year. 24 sounds a little old to me...but I know it's not in the big picture. I'm excited to see what God has for me and see what new truths I will discover :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The End of the First Chapter

   I cannot believe I have already completed my first year of teaching! When I think back to last August and my first day of school I it feels like it was only 10 days ago, but in reality it was 10 months ago. Standing on the other side and looking back over my year I learned so much. I can’t even begin to write about all my experiences. I have only blogged about a few of the stories. For everyone one I wrote this year there are a dozen more that I didn’t find the time for. But I wanted to take time to look back and reflect on some of my triumphs, failures, and lessons in between.

    First, I will share one of my greatest triumphs. On the last full week of school I had my end of the year review with my principal. As we were discussing my strengths she said, “I would like to compliment you on your biggest strength, you are wonderful at forming relationships with your students. I know that every kid in your class knows you love and care for them. And that is something that comes from within, it can’t be taught.” Her compliment was like gold to me. It’s the one thing I wanted her to say because it’s the reason I wanted to teach in the first place. Loving the kids is my core.

    And now a failure…or two. Maybe failure isn’t this right word…weakness is better. There any several things I plan to do different next year. The first is my classroom management (which I think will take time to craft). I’ve always heard “go in strong, be mean at first, gain their respect and then you can back off.” Well mean isn’t something I do well. Sure I get upset and I get angry, but I was surprised at how much I wanted my 8 year olds to like me! My plan for next year is to be more firm (firm and friendly to be exact, thank you Kara Swofford). But also I really want to instill more respect and trust on my students. I know that if I allow them to take more responsibility up front it will help me and my students in the long run.
    Another area I left weak was differentiating my lessons (teaching to different ability levels). I know my lower and average learners were challenged but I don’t think I did enough to push my highest kids to their potential. Next year I want to take the extra steps to be sure every student is challenged.

    Lessons in between. I learned so many valuable lessons this year. One of the greatest I learned was from the teacher across the hall from me. He taught me to keep smiling no matter what. And if I lost my smile, he would toss me an extra across the hall.
    Also, I learned that what my kids wanted most from me was love. As human beings it is what we crave. I could see it in their little eyes. Some days they didn’t need me to teach me, they just needed me to love them.
    And if I had to give advice to first year teachers I would tell them not to sweat the small stuff. In the end it doesn’t matter how cute your classroom is. It doesn’t matter how many hours you spend preparing your lessons, someone else will teach it better. What matters is being there and giving it everything you have in that moment. Oh yeah, and that it’s ok to leave school before 5 o’clock. It doesn’t make you a bad teacher, in fact I think having a life outside of school makes you a better one!

    I know there are many things I will do different next year, but I wouldn’t change a thing about this one. I’ve grown more as a person in the last 10 months than I maybe in my whole life. Teaching is my passion and it makes me a better person in every aspect of my life. I know I chose the right career. I love it. Plus, I get summers OFF! Seriously, it’s AWESOME. Why doesn’t everybody want to teach??