This actually started out to be a list of 22 truths I was writing in a journal as I was nearing my 23rd birthday. It was going to include things I had learned about myself and life in general over that year. Well I only got #13...but I found the list the other day and decided to finish it and add #23. So here they are 23 truths I’ve learned about myself and life.
- Life is short
- I love to read
- I don’t like blue cheese- YUCK
- I complain too much
- Trials are a good thing
- Happiness comes from the heart
- That Tim Magraw song, ya know the one, “You find out who your friends are” is so true
- Be careful who you trust, especially with your heart
- Kids are FOREVER – be sure your ready to have one!
- Good Habits are easier to develop, than had habits are to break
- God isn’t keeping me from something good, He’s preparing me for something GREAT
- God is always enough
- Kids are brutally honest
- Answers are not always black and white
- Two products I personally think you should always spend a little more on and buy the good brands: nail polish and toilet paper
- As much as I love being around other people I really need my alone time to relax and unwind
- Work SMARTER not harder (this is not meant to discount the vaule of hard work, it just means don't make things harder on yourself than they need to be!)
- I have one of the greatest families ever (after seeing the brokenness of some of my students homes I learned how much I’ve taken for granted in my life)
- Diet Coke = Love
- Growing up means deciding things for yourself
- I don’t like running…but I’m trying to learn to like it, because its good for me and I always feel great when I’m finished
- I love living in Branson…never thought I’d say that, but seriously I think it’s one of the greatest places on earth!
- I’m truly blessed
I can't wait to see what is instore for this new year. 24 sounds a little old to me...but I know it's not in the big picture. I'm excited to see what God has for me and see what new truths I will discover :)