Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sweet, Sweet Words

We’ve been studying poetry for the past few weeks in room 202. Today I had my students put all of their poems into a book. Throughout our study we’ve read LOTS of different poems, most from my favorite poem book, Where the Sidewalk Ends. I also taught my students the proper way to read poetry. You have to read poems 3 times. First, for your eyes. Second, for your ears. And Finally, for your heart <3.
I wanted to share my two favorites. I hope they make you smile J 
Loud, Delightful
Dinging, Ringing, Clinging
Pretty as angels singing

Pretty hanging on the wall,
Dangling trying not to fall.
Share a Christmas kiss,
With someone special this is bliss.

Cute Kid Quotes: These quotes are all from the same student. At the beginning of the year I had a very hard time with him. I prayed daily that my heart would be softened toward him.  Now I can officially say I love him. He is still a complete mess at times, but he makes me laugh! I'll call him B.
“I can’t wait to get married. I just love, love. I know you do too Miss Bass.”
“Yes, I love the heck out of that book!”
“Hey Miss Bass, did you know I’m growing a mustache and a beard?”
Miss Bass, I think you should date the world’s strongest man. I’m not sure if he’s married or not…but I think you’d be great together.

Miss Bass- “Please draw a 2D square on your marker board”
B- Makes farting noise
Miss Bass- “B, that’s very rude and inappropriate.”
B- “What? You said make a tootie square.”

And this is the note I got from him yesterday. He hates writing so the fact that he took time to write to me is very special.
Dear Miss Bass,
Merry Christmas. I hope you have a great Christmas. You rock at being a teacher. Yay you rock.

Last but not least, these I’ve included a picture from our trip to the nursing home. We made ornaments in class and then delivered them on Tuesday night. It was so great. The kids and the residents loved it!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Open Eyes, Open Heart

Do you ever stop and think about how many people you overlook within a day? Many times we are so wrapped up in our own daily tasks that we walk right by others without even a second glance??

My school has lots of traffic in the morning and we have a few older men that help direct it. One man specifically directs the traffic right in front of the area in which I park. He is the first person I see when I get to school each day. Without fail, he always waves and smiles real big at me. I always smile and wave back…but nothing more.

This morning there was an accident during drop off at school. A parent this man with their SUV. It was quite scary. As the events unfolded many of the teachers gathered at the end of our hall to watch and try to figure out what exactly happened. As we stood there in shock, I wanted to pray for him. Then I realized I didn’t know his name. I felt embarrassed to ask, because I thought it was horrible of me not to know. Finally I said, “Does anyone know his name? I feel really bad, but I don’t know it.”

No one knew, not any of us standing there anyway. As I went back to my classroom to start the day, I kept thinking of him and how many times I had just smiled and waved without ever taking a second to stop and introduce myself. It wasn’t that I didn’t see him. I was just so consumed with my day that I didn’t think of it.

I would like to think of myself a fairly out going person. But today I was reminded that I need to be kind to every person I encounter. Christ calls us to love one another. And that means seeing outside of ourselves. If my job was directing traffic, I know that I would love for the teachers to stop and say hello. It would make me feel important and loved.

Max is his name. I found out later on in the day. Now the whole Cedar Ridge Campus knows his name. I also found out that Annie, my sweet friend that teaches next door to me knew his name before today. When she told me this I looked at her kinda surprised and said, “Wait how do you know him?” to which Annie replied, “I stopped one morning and introduced myself to him.”

As much as I have been convicted today, I’m very thankful. First, I’m thankful that Max is going to be ok. He did break his shoulder, but thankfully that was the only broken bone. Second, I’m thankful for Annie. I thankful that see has open eyes and that I get to teach with someone I can admire for her love of others. Third, I’m thankful that God reminded me of a very important lesson.

Mark 12:33
“To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”