Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Speak Now

*Disclaimer- This entry has nothing to with my classroom or teaching, but it has everything to do with learning and love.

Speak Now.

These words have been swirling around in my head since my sweet mother bought me the new Taylor Swift CD this weekend.

On Sunday I felt God’s presence in my life in a way I haven’t felt him in a long while. Ted (my pastor) talked about 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and 19 things that people will become lovers of in the last days.  Since Sunday I have been reflecting a lot on his message and how it applies to my life. I have been thinking mostly on what it means to be holy. I know that holy by definition means “to be set apart” but what does that look like in my life. I learned tonight at small group that 3 is the number of perfection and in the bible and in songs we always say “holy, holy, holy” meaning God is perfectly set apart. Which got me thinking, if I’m supposed to strive to live my life after Christ’s example, are the things I do daily, my thoughts, actions, and words even close to holy?  No, they are often the same as a non believer. Whoa. Hit me pretty hard.

Also, I’ve been thinking a lot about “mindless chatter.” So many times we (myself included, with two hands raised in the air) talk just to fill the emptiness. Our thoughts are just mere opinions, but so often we say them as if they are fact or truth. For example, do I really know that Taylor Swift wrote all the songs on her CD by herself? No. I did hear that on TV, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. But I sure do jump to her defense anytime someone says otherwise.  And when I stop to think about it, why does it even matter in the first place?? Mindless chatter. As soon as one person starts talking about something we feel the need to add our two sense in to the conversation. Why? To feel important? To be included? I don’t know, but we all do it. And many times we don’t stop to think of how our words may affect the person sitting right next to us. I’ve always known we’re supposed to “tame the tongue” but I’ve never really stopped to think about how many words I say have no true value. 

I know God is working in my heart and showing me a few of my many personal areas of weakness. And although I have been driving myself crazy, talking in circles, I find peace knowing that God has my attention and is helping me grow. And while I love to listen and sing along to Taylor in the car, I think the title of her CD should have been Speak Wisely.

Facts I know for sure. 100%. Without a doubt.
-God loves me.
-God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sin.
-I am a sinner.
-God created me for a purpose.
-With God all things are possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Janae- I liked this a lot. The Lord has been speaking to me about 'mindless chatter' for about two months now! Not only have I been (deeply) hurt by mindless chatter- I've also dished out my fair share of it. Beth Moore posted a poem on her blog in Sept. about speaking with wisdom. The first part was, "Your God has called you, To use that mouth of yours For His great glory. Don’t just add to the noise. Become a real woman Who opens her mouth with wisdom." It really inspired me (along with scripture) to watch my words- and to make them purposeful and edifying to those around me! Thanks for this...it is so encouraging to know that Christ works in all our lives...abundantly!
