This Christmas season has been a time of reflection for me. I've been challenged more than ever before to focus not only on the true meaning of Christmas, but also on presence over presents.
Although my hearts desire this Christmas was presence over presents I was hit with just how spoiled and selfish my heart truly is on Christmas day. Over Thanksgiving day I told my mom, “Mom, don’t worry about me this Christmas, I don’t need much…maybe just a crock pot. Just make sure that Logan (my 12 year old brother) has a great Christmas.” I really did mean that when I said it, however…when Christmas morning came I did not get a CROCK POT! And guess what, I was disappointed! (don’t feel sorry for me, not even one bit, I got plenty of other gifts) First I was a little mad at my mom for not remembering what I had specifically asked for, but then I quickly got mad at myself for acting like such a spoiled little brat. My mother is one of the greatest women I know, and has so much on her plate right now. She works incredibly hard to make our family run smoothly. And although I affectionately call her “superwoman” I know she is not perfect.
Now this is the part of the story that really makes me a brat. A few days after Christmas while mom and I were out doing some returning we were looking at new coffee pots in Khols. I just happened to walk over to the crock pots and ask my mom, “Did you forget that I wanted one of these?” She felt terrible for forgetting, and I felt about a million times worse for bringing it up and making her feel bad. I tried to explain that I was more disappointed in myself for feeling the way I did, than at her for not getting me the stupid crock pot. Well, later that night I went out to eat with my older brother and his family and when I got home guess what was sitting on the counter?? A new crock pot with a bow on it! Lesson Learned: I Janae Lynn Bass am a spoiled brat with a selfish heart. I need Jesus reshape my heart.
A New Year…
My Grandma Clara made us homemade devotionals for Christmas this year. My goal this year is to do it everyday. For the past 3 years she had bought the family matching devotional books so that we can all be reading Gods word together even though we are apart. I always start the year strong but fall incredibly short of completing mine. She told us all on Christmas, “Do this everyday this year and I guarantee you will grow closer to God.” So that is my #1 goal this year.
Last year I made the goal of reading at least 2 books a month because I like reading, but don’t make time for it. I ACCOMPLISHED my goal!!! I finished my 25th book on December 29th. It felt really great to meet a goal I set for myself. I am keeping this goal again this year. And I am including my book list at the bottom of this post.
My other goal this year is to start learning to cook. It’s kinda hard and feels somewhat pointless cooking for one, but it’s time I learned! Plus someday I hope to cook for more than 1, so I figure no better time to start learning than now. And I have to put my new crock pot to use!
My prayer for the New Year is that God will give me the faith to link today with His tomorrows.
Acts 1: 7-8
“He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth."
I pray that you have a blessed New Year!
-With Love, Janae
2010 Book List
- The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers *** My Favorite of the year***
- For One More Day by Mitch Albom
- Angry Conversations with God by Susan E. Isaacs
- Just Beyond the Clouds by Karen Kingsbury
- Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
- The Giver by Lois Lowry
- The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
- Are you There God? It’s me Margaret by Judy Blume
- Little Women by Laurie Lawlor
- A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
- How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World by Jordan Christy
- Ramona Quimby Age 8 by Beverly Clearly
- The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers
- Clouds by Robin Jones Gunn
- What the Heart is by Billie Lets
- What a Girl Wants by Kristen Billerbeck
- Unlikely Angel by Ashley Smith
- The Dailey Five by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
- Whispers by Robin Jones Gunn
- Waterfalls by Robin Jones Gunn
- Miss Match by Erynn Mangum
- Gooney Bird Greene by
- Never the Bride by Cheryl McKAy and Rene Gutteridge
- She’s Out of Control by Kristen Billerbeck
- With this Ring I’m Confused by Kristen Billerbeck
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